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Building Up to Kindergarten
Kindergarten Readiness Across Developmental Domains
- Taking turns
- Working and playing with others
- Ability to be with other adults
- Understanding and recognizing that other people have feelings
Language & Communication
- Ability to name common objects
- Following 1 to 2 step directions
- Growing vocabulary
- Communicate needs and feelings verbally in a socially appropriate manner
Cognitive Development
- Can recognize and write first name
- Make simple patterns
- Recognize and identify colors and shapes
- Recognize and identify numbers 1-10
- Count orally to 20
- Recognize and identify many upper and lowercase letters
- Know some letter sounds
- Familiarity with books/concepts of print
Fine Motor
- Attempts to use scissors correctly
- Developing correct grip of a pencil
- Ability to write first name
- Has begun to establish right or left dominance
Gross Motor
- Ability to catch
- Can skip
- Can balance
Before Reading: Picture Walk
- Title, Author and Illustrator
- Front and back of the book
- Preview pictures
- Make Prediction
During Reading
- Use picture clues
- Point with your finger
- Summarize what is happening in the story
- Point out punctuation
After Reading - Comprehension Questioning
- Start at the beginning and tell what happened in the story.
- What part did you like best?
- Did this story remind you of anything?